Projects built with .net framework, .net core, xamarin, mono, mono game, unity, or godot
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21 web apps in selection

Screenshot for .net web app FeedingTime


4 months ago158

"FeedingTime lets you search for official food hygiene ratings at 600,000 establishments in the UK. Built with .NET 6 (Razor Pages + a console application for various …"

Web app built with .net core and c# by @krlxgrn.

indie, United Kingdom

Screenshot for .net web app ImageWizard


4 months ago200

"Image processing web service based on ASP.NET Core and ImageSharp / SkiaSharp / SvgNet / DocNET - Loaders: Http, File, YouTube (thumbnail), Gravatar, OpenGraph - Ca…"

Open source web app built with .net core and c# by @usercode_de.

indie, Germany

Screenshot for .net web app Dotnet Jobs

Dotnet Jobs

4 months ago380

"Dotnet Jobs is the number one destination to find and list incredible C# and .NET developer jobs. I built this site as a means to scratch my own itch during my job se…"

Open source web app built with .net core and c# by @wes_walke.

indie, United States

Screenshot for .net web app Steambase.io


4 months ago603

"A leading data aggregator and analytics platform for everything on the Steam network. Explore, track, and discover everything from upcoming game releases to historical p…"

Open source web app built with .net core and c# by @steambase_io.

indie, United States

Screenshot for .net web app statusmonitor


4 years ago5472

"Statusmonitor is a web app that monitors 3rd party status pages in a single dashboard with Slack notifications. 💡How and Why? With more and more software products t…"

Web app built with .net core and c# by @ch_lee99.

indie, United Kingdom

Screenshot for .net web app Cloudpress


5 years ago4613

"Cloudpress allows you to write and collaborate in Google Docs and then publish your content to various Content Management Systems such as WordPress, Contentful and other…"

Web app built with .net core and c#.

indie, South Africa

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A little bit about this site

Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.

There's so much you can build with .net these days that I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the web dedicated to the breadth of .net. Enjoy!

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