"TS-Energy is a comprehensive platform for the optimizations of energy asset such as Hydro-power plants, Thermal (gas, oil and coal) power plants and flexible contracts. The application supports energy analysts, traders and operators in power plant operations and optimization, allowing investment decisions, ancillary service pricing, unavailability scheduling, power dispatching and marginal price derivation. The users of the software are major European energy companies. The application is composed of a C# WPF Front-end, communicating with several service back-ends using WCF. The server back-ends developed in C# provide the scheduling of jobs, management of data and automated reporting. The application data is stored in an Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or Postgres database, with access done by an abstraction layer in C# talking to the DB Drivers. The latest state of all data is kept in a Redis key-value store, with large values serialized in json, to allow calculations to run without round trip to the database for the system state. The Windows Workflow Foundation workflow system included in the .net framework is used to provide clients with the ability to make business workflows that map their business processes to application actions. This is done by providing a Workflow Designer tool that re-hosts the .Net workflow designer and several libraries of components developed to provide workflow activities for TS-Energy. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is instrumental in allowing our application to be configured as required by the clients to integrate into their environment, with the network policies and authentication support that they require. The flexibility of WCF in providing a variety of endpoints is crucial. The optimization components of TS-Energy are: a Fortran High-performance OpenMP calculation kernel that is steered by C# and interfaces to standard linear and mixed integer linear programming solvers (Coin-OR CBC, CPLEX, Gurobi). The development of the past year has focus on gaining read and write access to the European intraday power trading market (EPEX) with a implementation of the M7 api which is based on AMQP with RabbitMQ. This development allows TS-Energy to automate energy trading and provide traders with suggested market positions to maximize their profit. The software was built up from a prototype developed in 2003-04 with C++, VBA and Excel, that was delivered to a first customer. The current incarnation of TS-Energy was a complete re-write done in 2008-2009 that continues to evolve to this day. "
Desktop app built with .net framework and c#.
Project website: https://www.time-steps.com/en/home.html
Creator website: https://www.time-steps.com/en/home.html
Client/employer: Time-steps AG
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