"Amazon Lambda .NET Core support - Logging ASP.NET Core package."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Amazon Web Services.
Project website: https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Amazon.Lambda.Logging.AspNetCore
"This .NET standard library contains various parsers Markdown: Allows you to parse a Markdown String into a Markdown Document, and then Rend…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.Toolkit.
"Autofac Implementation of DI for Azure Functions"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by CJ van der Smissen.
"TinyMapper - a tiny and quick object mapper for .Net."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Sergey Morenko.
"NetTopologySuite support for the Microsoft SQL Server database provider for Entity Framework Core."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.
"pdfHTML is an iText 7 add-on for C# (.NET) that allows you to easily convert HTML and CSS into standards compliant PDFs that are accessible, searchable and usable for in…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by iText Software.
"A .NET library for YAML. YamlDotNet provides low level parsing and emitting of YAML as well as a high level object model similar to XmlDocument."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Antoine Aubry.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
There's so much you can build with .net these days that I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the web dedicated to the breadth of .net. Enjoy!
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