"WebSocket4Net is a .NET websocket client implemtation. It originates from SuperWebSocket WebSocket Client. For better developing of the websocket client, it was separated from SuperWebSocket and was renamed to WebSocket4Net."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Kerry Jiang.
Project website: https://websocket4net.codeplex.com/
"ASP.NET 5 static files middleware."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.
"EntityFrameworkExtras.EF6 provides some useful additions to EntityFramework such as executing Stored Procedures with User-Defined Table Types and Output Parameters.**IMP…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by ZZZ Projects & Michael Rodda.
"JSON input and output for the MVC runtime"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.
"Application Insights module for service fabric applications. This package provides automatic decoration of telemetry with the service fabric context the application is r…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.
"OAuth2 validation middleware for ASP.NET Core."
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Kévin Chalet.
"logentries.nlog is a plugin library for NLog to enable logging to Logentries from a .NET platform. Logentries is a real-time log management service on the cloud. More in…"
Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Mark Lacomber.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
There's so much you can build with .net these days that I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the web dedicated to the breadth of .net. Enjoy!
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