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"This library provides XAML templated controls. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.            Controls:        - AdaptiveGridView: Presents items in an evenly-spaced set of columns to fill the total available space.        - BladeView: Provides a horizontal collection of blades for master-detail scenarios.        - CameraPreview: Easily preview video from camera sources and get realtime frames from the selected source.        - Carousel: Presents items in a carousel control.        - DockPanel: Define areas where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other.        - DropShadowPanel: DropShadowPanel control allows the creation of a DropShadow for any Xaml FrameworkElement in markup.        - Expander: Expander allows user to show/hide content based on a boolean state.        - GridSplitter: A the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control.        - HeaderedContentControl: Provides a header to content.        - HeaderedItemsControl: Provides a header to items.        - ImageCropper: ImageCropper control allows user to crop image freely.        - ImageEx: Images are downloaded asynchronously showing a load indicator and can be stored in a local cache.        - InAppNotification: Show local notifications in your application.        - InfiniteCanvas: Supports Infinite Scrolling, Ink, Text, Format Text, Zoom in/out, Redo, Undo, Export & Import.        - LayoutTransformControl: Support for transformations as if applied by LayoutTransform.        - Loading: Helps to show content with animation to the user while the app is doing some calculation.        - MasterDetailsView: Implements the Master/Details design pattern.        - OrbitView: Positions items in a circle around a center element and supports orbits and anchors.        - RadialGauge: Displays a value within a range, using a needle on a circular face.        - RadialProgressBar: Displays progress as a circle getting filled.        - RangeSelector: "Double slider" control for range values.        - RemoteDevicePicker: Remote Device Picker Control for Project Rome.        - RotatorTile: Rotates through a set of items one-by-one like a live-tile.        - ScrollHeader: A UI control that works as a ListView or GridView header control with quick return, sticky, and fade behavior.        - StaggeredPanel: Layout of items in a column approach where an item will be added to whichever column has used the least amount of space.        - TextToolbar: A Toolbar for Editing Text attached to a RichEditBox. It can format RTF, Markdown, or use a Custom Formatter.        - TileControl: A ContentControl that show an image repeated many times.        - TokenizingTextBox: An AutoSuggestBox like control which places entered input into easily removed containers for contacts or tags.        - UniformGrid: Presents items in an evenly-spaced set of rows or columns to fill the total available display space.        - WrapPanel: Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right and breaks content to the next line."


6 years ago691

Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Microsoft.Toolkit.

unknown, Unknown country

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Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.

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