"My Expenditures is an application which provides a simple and unique approach to the problem of managing your expenses and incomes. And Optimizing your way of spending your money. Also, by analyzing your expenses and incomes, it will provide statistics on how you spend your money, what you gain or spend the most money on. All these statistics are made available by the application on different criteria which you are free to select (like getting statistics on a given period, or for a given budget). Also, you can get alerted each time you spend your money above a threshold which you determine per budget. "
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @Damien_Doumer.
Project website: https://doumer.me/my-expenditures/
Creator website: https://doumer.me
"Pace to race is a running app built with Xamarin."
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c#.
"Dragon Front Companion is a way to learn all the details of every card in the Dragon Front game, build your own decks, and share them with the community. It was init…"
Open source mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @ben_reierson.
"Mobidb Database is an offline database with cloud sync through Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive. The product is great for creating custom databases. Visual designer al…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @VitaliyKorney.
"Make bitcoin user friendly, reliable and secure This is a cross platform bitcoin wallet. It supports Android, iOS, UWP. We build it using CI/CD and monitor it usin…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c#.
"Built using XamarinForms from the ground up, the app was initially created to create a niche but useful, API-driven app for iOS and Android platforms for UK company info…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @TenthNote.
"The inspiration for this project Long time ago I couldn't find a nice world time application in Windows Store. All of them displayed just time, but on PC it was waste o…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @duracellko.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
There's so much you can build with .net these days that I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the web dedicated to the breadth of .net. Enjoy!
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