"My Expenditures is an application which provides a simple and unique approach to the problem of managing your expenses and incomes. And Optimizing your way of spending your money. Also, by analyzing your expenses and incomes, it will provide statistics on how you spend your money, what you gain or spend the most money on. All these statistics are made available by the application on different criteria which you are free to select (like getting statistics on a given period, or for a given budget). Also, you can get alerted each time you spend your money above a threshold which you determine per budget. "
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @Damien_Doumer.
Project website: https://doumer.me/my-expenditures/
Creator website: https://doumer.me
"Spoons is a side project I whipped up for Android (iOS not yet released) in Xamarin Forms 3.1 using a local SQLite DB for a friend of mine who suffers with chronic pain.…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @valley_software.
"Simply manage your time, tasks and invoicing with Remotime! I was managing my tasks, time and invoicing in three different systems, and it was particularly painful co…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @InquisitorJax.
"OneSync Reader is open source e-book reader with synchronization for Android and Windows devices. It started as a master thesis but the app is still under the developmen…"
Open source mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @bares43.
"I wanted Alexa on my Apple Watch so I built it. Also working on iPhone, Android, Mac and Tizen, because ... Xamarin. Delightful to be able to share core tested functi…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @DamianMehers.
"A travel app experience worthy of the Hawaiian Airlines brand. We did a complete redesign of the travel experience for Hawaiian Airlines, with mobile check-in and boa…"
Mobile app built with Xamarin and c# by @ArcTouch.
"Cuterdio is the perfect app if you love music. Lean back and remember the good old times of sitting in a dark room and looking at the artwork of your favorite band. S…"
Open source mobile app built with Xamarin and c#.
Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.
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