Projects built with .net framework, .net core, xamarin, mono, mono game, unity, or godot
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"A fork of the DotNetZip project without signing with a solution that compiles cleanly. This project aims to follow semver to avoid versioning conflicts. DotNetZip is a FAST, FREE class library and toolset for manipulating zip files. Use VB, C# or any .NET language to easily create, extract, or update zip files."


6 years ago779

Library or NuGet package built with .net standard and c# by Henrik/Dino Chiesa.

unknown, Unknown country

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XamlFlair - Xaml animation Library

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indie, Canada

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unknown, Unknown country

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Hello, I'm Corstiaan. I'm a software developer from the Netherlands and I manage BuiltWithDot.Net. I created this site as a place where developers working with .net technology can showcase their projects and inspire other developers.

There's so much you can build with .net these days that I thought it would be nice to have a corner of the web dedicated to the breadth of .net. Enjoy!

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